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WHAT: The Club is very excited to offer this new program to the middle and high school students of the Touchet Valley. Instructors from the Walla Walla Music Organization (WWMO) will be on hand each week through the end of the school year to lead sessions covering music production, audio engineering, recording, and live sound reinforcement. Students will be exposed to unique experiences, creative outlets, and pathways towards potential careers in music. The Club will also provide snacks for participating students.​


WHEN: Starting Monday, October 23, participating students in grades 6-12 are invited to join us for sessions every Monday from 5:00 - 6:30 PM focusing on music production and audio engineering. There is an additional session on Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:30 PM for high school students, starting October 25, to practice running live sound. There are no programs during holidays and school breaks. Program hours are subject to change.


WHERE: The Monday instruction sessions will be held in a space leased by The Club from the Port of Columbia, located in the Cameron Street Co-Working Center at 517 Cameron Street. This space is directly across Cameron Street from The Club's main building. The Wednesday live sound sessions will be held next door to the Co-Working Center in The Club's gym space, located at 519 Cameron Street.


HOW MUCH: In an effort to eliminate cost as a barrier, this program is being offered completely free of charge. There is no cost whatsoever to participate. All equipment will be provided. 




How old does a student need to be to participate in the Music Program?

This program is exclusively for students in grades 6 - 12. Students in grades K - 5 may enroll in The Club's Elementary After School Program.


How will my student get to The Club for the Music Program?

Students may transport themselves, parents/guardians may drop them off, or they may wish to utilize public transportation. Columbia County Public Transportation (CCPT), will provide rides for students at no charge. Call CCPT at (509) 382-1647 for more information.


Is attendance mandatory?

No. All of The Club's programs are voluntary. However, many of the lessons and projects in the Music Program are completed in stages, so regular attendance is encouraged.


If you have a question not addressed here, please contact us.

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