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Planned Giving
What is planned giving?
Planned giving is any major gift, made in lifetime or at death as part of a donor's overall financial and/or estate planning.
Benefits of Giving
Knowing your passion and commitment for The Club's Mission will endure for generations to come.
May allow for part of your estate to avoid a potentially expensive and arduous probate process.
Satisfaction of offering future philanthropic support without sacrificing income at this time.
Offers flexible ways to give at many levels.
Helps lower your adjusted gross income.
Reduces your capital gains tax.
Deduct the charitable gift's full value from your estate tax.
Satisfy requirements for required minimum distributions from an IRA.
Types of Planned Giving
Bequests are gifts in a will or trust. They are easy to set up, and charitable bequests may reduce estate tax and avoid capital gains tax.
Life Insurance makes a gift by naming The Club as a beneficiary. The donation may also reduce estate taxes.
Retirement Accounts are often overlooked, yet are an easy way to give. Naming ​The Club as a beneficiary of a retirement account may stretch your charitable dollars by minimizing estate tax, avoiding capital gains tax, and avoiding income tax. Of course, donors can continue to take withdrawals from these accounts during their lifetime.
Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA custodian, payable to The Club. They may be counted toward satisfying the donor's required minimum distributions for the year. The donated amount can be excluded from taxable income unlike regular IRA withdrawals.
Gifts of Real Estate which have appreciated make for a substantial gift. Donors avoid capital gains tax while receiving a large income tax deduction. Donors should coordinate with The Club before making a gift of real estate.
Gifts of Securities help a donor to avoid capital gains tax while maximizing the impact of your charitable gift. Donors contribute appreciated stock or other marketable securities which removes taxable assets from their estate, making them eligible for immediate deduction for the full value. This type of gift delivers immediate benefits to The Club.
Charitable Remainder Trusts are an option which pays income for life or a term of years to a donor and/or others, but ultimately benefits The Club. They are a good fit for donors who want to ensure income in retirement but also want to reduce or avoid estate tax and capital gains tax.
How to Begin
Consult with your financial advisors and estate planners. Your advisors will help you assess your ability to give and determine what is best for your situation. Whatever type of planned giving is used, please know that gifts of any size are greatly appreciated and make an impact.
If you you have questions about supporting The Club through planned giving, you are invited to contact Jim Pearson, The Club's Executive Director, at or by phone at (509) 204 -3150.
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